Thursday, September 24, 2009


Okay, okay, I know it has been FOREVER since I have updated my blog. I really have been meaning too, but just haven't. So today I finally got the desire to update it with somethings that we have been up too and realized that I let my sister-in-law borrow my camera and so I don't have it to load my pictures. So I will have to post some pictures when I get it back. But I thought that I could at least tell you, well those of you that don't know yet...that we are expecting another baby!! Yep you read that right. Baby number 3, and yes I will have 3 kids under the age of 3. This baby was a bit of a surprise, well a HUGE surprise, but we are excited. I am due at the end of January and we are having a girl. So that is the news. Hope everyone is doing well and getting excited for this fall weather coming up. I will post again soon, I promise.


Megan said...

Congrats!!!!! That is so exciting! I hope it's another girl to match your already darling little ones. I'm glad you are back to the blogging world!

Traci said...

Congrats Al! I am so excited for you. I am prego with another boy due the beginning of make the girls, I will make the boys :)!!! Congrats again!

Kasey Sanders said...

Congrats! Your girls so dang cute!

Erica said...

We are so excited for you! The third baby has made me 100% unorganized and crazy. I'm excited for you though, and I know you'll do a great job.

Ashley said...

Ali, I honestly had no idea. You look great! Congratulations on another little princess :).

melissa said...

i knew you would post so i was watching for it. congratulations on your third!!! another beautiful baby on the way, that's so exciting Ali.


YAY ALI!!! Another girl?!?! Are you excited? Seriously I am glad you posted, I was getting worried about you. Hope all is going well, if you need anything let me know.

Aly G said...

Congrats! If it makes you feel any better when I was due with Talan it made 3 3 and under too! You'll be great with 3 and another girl how fun!

Alisha said...

Congrats! Gotta love a surprise:)