Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Boy or Girl?

On December 21st we went to the Doctors to have an ultra-sound to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl. During the ultra-sound the Doctor checked and measured everything and the baby looks great. When we got to the end of the ultra-sound he looked to see the sex of the baby, and the baby didn't want to show off. The baby was in a breach position and it is sitting in an indian style postition, so its feet and legs were covering everything. The Doctor wouldn't let us go until he found out what the baby was. So he pushed on my tummy several times, and looked at many different angles but the baby wouldn't budge. From what the Doctor could see it might be a girl. He couldn't tell for sure, but he thinks that it is maybe a girl. But since he couldn't really tell I get to have another ultra-sound at my next appointment to see really what it is. I am feeling like it is a girl, but we will have to wait and see! Here is a cool picture of her fore-arm and fist.


Anonymous said...


I was sitting there looking at that dang ultrasound forever trying to see its "PARTS" ...then I read your post. Yes, that looks much more like an ARM! haha! I am so dumb!

Paul said...

Al, that is a really cute ultrasound pic. I'm so sad that you don't know what you are having. That's the best appointment of them all! Anyway, do you have any names picked out?